
An Extraordinary Giving Opportunity for Supporters 70 1/2 and Older

What began as a temporary measure has stood the test of time as a smart and powerful giving option for seniors.

In 2006, Congress approved a two-year “IRA Charitable Rollover Option” that allowed certain seniors to give sizeable tax-free qualified charitable distributions (QCD) to their favorite charities. Since then, the law was repeatedly reinstated in two-year increments, until it became permanent in 2015.

As administrations have changed and tax laws have evolved, this truth has remained consistent: giving from an IRA remains the obvious choice for donors who qualify.

If you are at least 70 ½ years old, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA (or $200,000 for couples) to the Windmere and receive significant tax benefits in return.

Any gifts from your IRA…

  • allow you to give in a substantial way without affecting your cash flow,
  • reduce your taxable income (whether or not you itemize!),
  • can be used to fulfill any charitable pledges you’ve made, AND
  • will fulfill all or part of your required minimum distributions.

It’s a time-tested, win-win, tax-wise giving solution!

Is giving from your IRA the right solution for you? To learn more about this and other smart and powerful giving options, call Associate Director of the Foundation Susan Vander Ploeg at (973) 427-4087, extension 651, or email
