Smart and Powerful Giving

Increase the Impact of Your Generosity Through Planned Gifts

Planned gifts offer you smart and powerful ways to increase the impact of your gifts to Windmere – often while benefiting your family, too. By understanding the available options, you can multiply the results of your generosity in ways that are simple, flexible, cost-effective and powerful.

Types of Planned Gifts

Giving Stock, Real Estate or Other Assets
Gifts From Your IRA
Gifts in a Will
Gifts That Pay You Income
Donor-Advised Fund


Windmere Foundation partners with Barnabas Foundation to offer our supporters complimentary planning services and assistance with complex gifts.

Since 1976, Barnabas Foundation has helped thousands of individuals and families give more effectively to the ministries close to their hearts. They’ll help you accomplish the greatest good with your generosity – for your family and for God’s Kingdom – through tax-wise charitable giving.

Free Resource

Request your free copy of “Smart and Powerful Giving: Increase Your Impact Through Planned Gifts.”

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Learn More

To learn more about gifts that pay you income or other smart and powerful giving options, contact the Foundation at 973-427-4087 or