
Vibrant community, gorgeous day trips, excellent care…life at the Windmere might sound great, but do you worry about the cost?

After all, health care costs rise year after year — especially in New Jersey, which has some of the highest costs of living in the country. But there is good news: Not only does the Windmere offer incredible care, it also offers incredible value.

Perhaps you already know that the Home is one of the only certified Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) in the Passaic & Bergen County region. As a CCRC, we offer different levels of care all in the same building – a spectrum from independent living to nursing care. Residents who begin needing new levels of care can receive it without moving to a different building or leaving the community they love. 

Maybe you even know that the Home is one of a select few Life Care facilities in New Jersey, meaning that Life Care residents don’t owe additional money when they receive additional levels of care provided by the Home. One entrance fee plus fixed monthly contributions covers our full spectrum of care for the rest of your life.

Have you ever looked at the specific numbers?

According to Genworth’s 2020 Annual Cost of Care Survey, the average cost of a home health aide in New Jersey is almost $60,000 per year. A private room in a NJ nursing home is $142,350 (and rising) for only a year of care. At those rates, a nursing home stay of just three years would cost over $425,000 – and that is before considering fee-for-service costs and prior costs like home health aides. 

At the Windmere, the same cost of $425,000 accounts for the entire entrance fee! (In fact, if you move into a Residential Room before July 1, you’ll save an astonishing 10% through our one-time-only spring discount: a $382,500 entrance fee!)

Along with your $1,900 monthly fee, this covers everything the Home has to offer for however many years you live here.

Did you know that the average length of stay at the Home is over seven years, including 2-3 years of skilled nursing care? And many residents stay at the Home much longer, sometimes 15 years or more. For the same price as just three years in a nursing home, you can assure yourself of comfort, care, and community for the rest of your life.

Remember that no matter the length of stay, the one-time entrance fee remains the same.

In fact, the predictability of costs at the Home gives residents the freedom to invest and grow their resources for the benefit of themselves and future generations.

For seniors in New Jersey, that’s an extraordinary opportunity.

So rest assured: life at the Home is not just affordable, it’s an incredible value!

Ready to learn more? Talk to an Admissions Counselor today!
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