
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  ~Matthew 5:16

God’s provision for the Windmere has been evident throughout the years. Since Spring 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard in the midst of our Spirit of Progress construction and renovations, times have been difficult for everyone. But even so, the community rallied around the Home and it became evident that God is doing something amazing amidst the darkness. 

Atlantic Stewardship Bank has been a proud supporter of the Home for countless years. Since their merger with Columbia Bank, they have continued that legacy with their tithing program, which supports nonprofits in the community, including the Windmere. Columbia Bank recently presented the Home with a $10,000 donation as part of the Atlantic Stewardship Bank legacy.

In addition, the Columbia Bank Foundation has been an extra source of support to the Home. In an effort to lift the hardships that the pandemic has brought on the Home, the Columbia Bank Foundation provided a $30,000 grant to the Home given specifically for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relief. 

The grant, along with Columbia Bank’s continued support through their tithing program, support the Home as we lovingly care for our Residents. Here at the Home, we are grateful to God for His continued blessing through our friends at Columbia Bank.
